Changing a Modem

If you change a modem in your computer, make sure you uninstall the drivers of the old modem first, otherwhise your computer can get very instable, this could includes spontaneous reboots!!!!

We recommend that when you change a modem in your computer, you follow the steps underneath :

  • 1 Uninstall the modem driver of the old modem BEFORE taking it out of / disconnecting it from the computer
    You can do this by going to Control Panel
    Select Phone and Modem Options
    Select the Modems Tab
    select the modem you want to remove and press the 'Remove' button.
  • 2 Close down your computer.
  • 3 Take the old modem out of the computer / disconnect it from the computer.
  • 4 Restart the computer WITHOUT the new modem!
    This is quite important, because some modem drivers require a restart before they are completely removed from the computer.
  • 5 Close down your computer again.
  • 6 Put the new modem in the computer / connect the new modem to the computer
  • 7 restart the computer and follow the installation instructions on the screen for the new modem

In case you already installed the new modem, but are experiencing things happening on your computer like spontaneous reboots, uninstall the old modem driver (most times windows will show this modem as 'not present') and the driver of the newly installed modem, then follow the steps above from step 2 onwards.